Canadians Gather to Celebrate Canada Day
at the 8th Annual Canada Colorado Golf Classic
While the date of the calendar only read June 29, in our hearts it was Canada Day.
The 8th Annual Canada Colorado Golf Classic was held at Castle Rock’s Red Hawk Ridge golf course, with almost a full slate of golfers for the tournament.
The scramble tournament featured regular contest holes such as closest to the pin and the longest drive. But the prizes for the Canadian skills portion of the tourney made it more challenging and “Canadian” for the golfers. From putting with a hockey stick to flinging your second shot on Hole 12 with a Lacrosse stick made for many laughs. As the rules stated, “It’s mandatory, eh!”
The evening wrapped up with a silent auction and BBQ dinner, and featured greetings from CCA president Pierre Boisse and LGen Alain Parent, Deputy Commander, NORAD. The live auction items up for bids included the following:
(Donated by Kroenke Sports & Entertainment)
Includes Club level or lower seating, Signed Avs Jersey and Hockey stick, Zamboni ride,
(Donated by Kroenke Sports & Entertainment)
(Donated by Earl’s Restaurant, Park Meadows)
(Donated by Experience Rhed)
For the second year in a row, the foursome of Jim Wiste, Don Mercier, Jim Montgomery, Mark Rycroft and Jim Wiste won the event with a final score of 54.
The organizing committee would also like to formally recognize the following sponsors:
Kroneke Sports and Entertainment
PCL Construction
Vukota Capital Management
Agrium US Inc., Wholesale
Longball Inc.
Cap Logistics
Rockyard Brewing
Canadian Consulate Denver
Royal Bank USA
Destination Denver Realty
IBI Group
Experience Rhed